Installing the redlure-worker

Workers require root privileges to run. To install a worker on your system run the following commands:

git clone
cd redlure-worker
sudo ./
sudo pipenv run ./

The worker currently utlilzes Python3.9.


Before you boot the worker up, you'll need to add some values to so that the worker can communicate with your console. The two you'll need to add values for are:

  • API_KEY - set to the value generated by the redlure-console in the web interface (Domains & Servers page)
  • SERVER_IP - set to the IP address or domain name where your redlure-console is hosted

The other config values are default, and may not require editing:

  • CERT_PATH and KEY_PATH - can be set to custom SSL certificates. Self-signed certs will be generated on startup otherwise.
  • WORKER_PORT - set the port the worker will use on startup
  • SERVER_PORT - set to the port your redlure-console is listening on

Hardware and OS

I typically deploy these on Ubuntu LTS or Debian images from Digital Ocean or Vultr. Minimum specs offered by the providers are fine in my experience. Usually this is around 1 GB Memory/1 CPU and 25 GB disk space. Never had an issue with those builds. These are dirt cheap to host, costing roughly $5 per month depending on your cloud provider.

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